Manali to Leh bus fare is Rs. 698. Though, Himachal Roadways does not operate a direct bus service from Manali to Leh. Passengers have to break the journey at Keylong {Headquarters of Lahaul (Lahaul-Spiti district)}.
Manali to Keylong bus – Himachal Roadways
- Departure from Manali – 04:00, 05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 09:00, 10:30 & 14:00 hours
- Fare – Rs 173
- Distance/Duration – 115 Kilometres / 6 hours
- Manali Bus stand phone number – 01902252323
Keylong to Leh bus – Himachal Roadways
- Departure from Keylong – 05:00 hours
- Fare – Rs 525
- Distance/Duration – 358 Kilometres / 14 hours
- Keylong Bus stand phone number – 01900223530
Advance booking
The bus starting at 4 am can only be booked in advance from Manali bus stand as it originates from there. All other buses come from different places and cross Manali at 05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 09:00, 10:30 & 14:00 hours. Bus conductor will allot the vacant seats (if any) in these buses. So there is no guarantee of getting a seat or desired seat. Online Booking through Internet is not possible on these buses. Passengers have to approach the counter to book them.
Delhi to Manali bus
There are many buses from Delhi to Manali. Seat booking can also be done online through Buses are categorised as Ordinary, Semi Delux, Air Conditioned & Volvo. Fare depends upon the category of bus, ranging from Rs 685 to Rs. 1420. The buses are available from ISBT Kashmere Gate.
Watch this video to know how to get a ticket and where are the booking counters at this bus terminal.
The above-mentioned bus fares and timings are as of June 2017.
Why you should travel to Ladakh by bus
Travelling by bus to reach Ladakh is the cheapest and best way. This not only helps in saving money but also lets you acclimatise to the increasing altitude. Otherwise, if you reach Leh by air, you have to stay in your hotel for atleast 2 days go get acclimatise to the high altitude. Whereas sitting in a bus your body gradually gets adjusted with the altitude. Also, you get to see a lot of beautiful landscapes through the window. To sum up, the thrill and adventure of the bus journey on Manali-Leh highway is altogether a different experience. I highly recommend this.
– Juley :)